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Showing posts with label MSU life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MSU life. Show all posts


Human is no prefer, but as a good friend will accept your attitude no matter good or bad.
They will stay beside of you no matter happen.
Please appreciate if you had this type of friend..
And say "thank you" to them.
Because this is no their responsibility to take care you..=)

But I am so lucky.
Because i had few friend always beside of me when no matter what happen..
So i plan to say "thank you so much" for them at here..
If they can see it..

My dear KK sister.





and more such as Amirul, Wan Nakhaei, Hafeez, Iqbal and other friend still being with me.
Just found out we don't have take picture together.
But still want say Thank You because support in my side..

At the same time, I should say "Thank you" to someone who don't like me, 
hate me, 
talk behind of me, 
or ignore me as friend.
Thank for your guy doing that..
Because of your guy, I only found out beside of me still got much friend are supported me.
and because of you I grow much and able to see more clear.


I need you.

A simple word that I just feel want to say to you now.
" I need you so much in my life"
This few day, I am wondering how long further our relation can go to.
How long we can stay as best friend.
I know I never will get the right answer.
But I just feel insecure.
I just worry that you will suddenly disappear just like my other important friend before.
You are part of my important friend.
And I really mean it.

Today's mistake

i guess i had say something bad which can hurt my friend.
But I did not mean to hurt you.
I am so sorry.

What i say just now, i do not mean it.
I just let the word become my habit..
But i really didn't mean to hurt you..

You are so important to me.
You have the right to angry.
But I just want to say "I am sorry"
I mean it so much..

I am not sure whether will you read this blog or not..
But I just try to tell you.
In my heart, u are part of my important friend.
I worry to lost you.
I always need you so much.

But today, i have did something bad to hurt you.
I am so sorry.







Community service

Just realise that i have long time do not view and update my blog already since after mid term. I am so busy to my all assignment, project, quiz and planning everything.Since today i am free, just wan share an experience that in Sunday..

Sunday is really a tired day. I start my day from 6am until another day 2am. Morning i need go help my mum for the event which is bazaar selling food. After that i need to rush to go back campus to wait the bus to go Gombak  which is the event buka puasa with orang asli. This is 1st i have  real communicate with orang asli even although i am always saw them while i am on the way to going back my mum hometown since i am kids.

But for they are quick high tech already, even we can see them have astro and air-cond in their house. The kids in there have a comfortable place to play compare with the orang asli in my mum hometown. The kids in there is really hyperactive, they can start play from while we reach there until we going back with non-stop.

Sunday is my big challenge for my stamina. I think everybody will be tired after this event. But i am still enjoy in these activities.  i realise that i am really kid from bandar cause i don't know many traditional game in this event. However, I still need more 2 community service to fill up GEMS. I wish that next community service would not spend too much mine energy..