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Bye 2011 !!

Last day of 2011.

2011 is big challenging year..
Got too much problem in this year , finance, friendship, study and etc...
But i guess this year i learn much from my trouble,and the way how to overcome my problem. 
At the same time, i really to say thank you for all my friend will help me grow up, always beside while i have many problem, gave me advise, help me go thought all the problem..really thank so much and i love ur guy so much, muak...=D

And today i plan say 'bye' to 2011 with smile no matter what happen..
im feel glad i learn much for this year. Im growing in this year.=)

say "Hi' to 2012
2012 will be the better year for me..
2012 is another start of my life..
wish everything will going smooth..


to all my beloved friend...muak...
enjoy ur last day of 2011...=D
lets party..^^v 
let go look for fireworks..=D


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