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my suck weekend

week 3 for sem 5 university life..
this week totally is suck week..
non stop assignment, project and event planning, make me so stress on this week..

and i heard some story which can make my mood become bad..

just im no understand why u hate somebody but u try to involve their friend also..
i knew u hate me.
so please come in front of me and tell me..
im open to accept everything.
but don't try involve my friend, they do not did anything to u.

and also please be mature.
if u hate me personally, so please do not disagree my working style while in teamwork.
or if u do like my working style, then do not hate me in personally.
but u hate me in both way, i think better u tell..
i don't mind u tell me the true..
do worry, i talk anything behind u.
coz i hate it, then i wouldnt do it..

seriously i do not mind u dont like me or hate me..


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