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      Don't know start from when, every friend among me is start to feel stress and tension in this month. It happen to me too. Everybody have their own different problem that need face to. They start to have their negative thinking while them facing to their own problem. I am not really clear what is the problem them facing to, but i believe all of my friend can handle their problem.

      It is because i know that they are not small kids already. they are growth, so sure they will have their own problem and they will have their ability to settle their problem by their own, but i just wish them wouldn't lost their smile while facing their problem. Don't ever stop to smile no matter what happen. Smile always can bring hope to us. I always believe that must will have the reason when god let you to have some trouble.

    Dear friend, please keep your mind in positive thinking. Every bad thing sure will be end in some period. Please always open mind to accept the problem, what i am sure problem is help us to grow more and to more understand our own ability.And don't forget smile even u are not happy, believe me smile really help much while you facing to trouble.

    Im still waiting u all become happy back. But no matter what happen, please remember i am always get ready to become your listener while you would like share with me. I will always around with you all. Love u all, and miss your all smile..^^v


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