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Finally,it end!!

Finally, my 4th sem mid exam is done already. But this long journey to fight, this is a tired journey even just for 1 week only. I taking 6 subject in this sem, all is the hard subject. From this 6 paper, i think got 4 paper i did really  very bad, especially ' Money & Capital' is so so so so hard. I really wish to re-do back this paper. anyway, i think it would not happen now just can pray that i get good result in all mid term paper, even i do not do it really well.

But now, i need to sleep. And i need shopping to release my tension n stress for this whole tired week. Now gonna start to pray my final sem exam, really wish will be much more more easy than mid sem. I need achieve my target,i need more pointer. This sem result must be better than last sem, 3.50++. Can i really can achieve in this sem? Im not sure too.But i will try my best to improve myself. I need study smart in short term and get  good result in this. Dont let myself keep lose memory while in exam.

continue fighto  for my Final Sem exam...gambateh loh!!! ^^v 
Have to Win in this Sem.


Anonymous said...

Success is 99% failure and 1% repentance

Its not study hard that makes ppl smart

But learning from experience, and reflecting yourself upon it

Know and understand what you did on this mid semester

Will definitely shape you well for the upcoming final..

So don't fear and think hard...

Just continue to believe on yourself~

Wishes you all the best in your studies~

Your secret admirer!
(Btw i also did bad on my mid semester xD)

Jocelyn said...

orite..thx so much 4 ur advice..sry..late reply.coz abit buz in dis month...^^.i will work hard for my final sem..

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